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Perspectives of a slight increase of business investment in 2010. Investment for 2009 revised downward comparing with the results of the previous survey.
Investment survey
Perspectives of a slight increase of business investment in 2010. Investment for 2009 revised downward comparing with the results of the previous survey. - 2nd Semi-annual 2009
29 January 2010

According to the opinions expressed on the October 2009 Investment Survey (occurred between the 1st October and 19th January 2010), the entrepreneurial investment might increase 1.4% in 2010 in nominal terms. The same survey points to a nominal change rate of investment of -17.1% for 2009, witch represents a significant downward revision relatively to the perspectives revealed in the previous survey.
Among the investment objectives, from 2009 to 2010 the perspectives point to an increase of the relative weight of the investment in rationalization and restructuration and a decrease of the relative weight of the investment oriented to the expansion of the production capacity.
As main limitative factor for business investment identified in the survey, between 2009 and 2010, the deterioration of the sales perspectives continues to be the factor mentioned by a larger number of firms, but the relative weight of the difficulties in obtaining bank credit increased.    

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