Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Tax burden was 35.8% of GDP - 2023
16 April 2024
Tax burden was 35.8% of GDP

Excessive Deficit Procedure - 2024
25 March 2024
Excessive Deficit Procedure

Excessive Deficit Procedure - 2023
22 September 2023
Excessive Deficit Procedure

Publication cover  
The European economy since the start of the millennium : a statistical portrait
Since the start of the millennium, the European economy has evolved and statistics can help to better perceive these structural changes. This digital publication The European economy since the start of the millennium — a statistical portrait aims to show how main features of the economy of ...

Issue year: 2019

Publication cover  
Tax Revenues Statistics - 1995-2009
This publication presents a statistical series for the fiscal revenues for the period 1995-2009, consistent with the National Accounts, having 2006 as the benchmark year. ...

Issue year: 2010

Date of update
Geographical Level
Balance of the General Government in the year ending in the quarter (% of GDP); Quarterly 24-06-2024 Portugal
Proportion of domestic budget funded by domestic taxes (%); Annual 21-06-2024 Portugal
Managers in sector of public administration (No.) by Sex, Age group, Responsibility and Administration subsector; Annual 06-03-2024 Portugal
Sex ratio (women per 100 men) of managers in sector of public administration by Responsibility (No.) by Responsibility; Annual 06-03-2024 Portugal
Proportion of managers in sector of public administration (%) by Sex, Age group, Responsibility and Administration subsector; Annual 06-03-2024 Portugal