Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Statistics Portugal puts at your disposal in the Navigation Guide a set of information on the website of Statistics Portugal. You may also contact our Users Support Service or make your request by completing the form

Please indicate your E-mail and then make your request for clarification in the area indicated. We will reply to your enquiry within 5 working days. Should you prefer to be contacted otherwise (telephone or fax), please indicate your contact.

Before placing your request, please see the extensive list of "Frequently Asked Questions" we designed for you, according to the information most requested by the users.

You may consult here the status of your request

* These fields are mandatory
The personal information on this form is protected from disclosure, and will be used exclusively for the purpose of processing your request and sending you a post - service questionnaire (with optional answer). This questionnaire aims to evaluate the service we provide and will allow us to implement actions that will improve the quality of our products and services.
For further information see our Policy on Privacy and Data Protection (available only in Portuguese)