Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

StatsLab – Estatísticas em Desenvolvimento (Statistics in Development), is an area available at Statistics Portugal's website where new statistical products are presented before being finalized, aiming at taking advantage of new data sources and new methodologies. Statistics in Development stand out due to two distinct characteristics: (i) they are part of new statistical product projects still under development; (ii) they stand for information potentially relevant for economic and social analysis.

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Air Emissions Accounts
Carbon Footprint - 2010-2021

In 2021, the national carbon footprint (51.9 kilotons of CO¿, corresponding to 1.5% of the EU's carbon footprint), decreased by 25.3% compared to 2010, a sharper reduction than in the EU (-8.7%)
Statistics Portugal (INE) publishes for the first time, in an integrated manner and in the context of developing statistics – StatsLab, Carbon Footprint estimates for Portugal, i.e. quantifying the emissions generated by the consumption of goods and services in the national territory. These statistics aim to take advantage of the methodological approach developed by Eurostat, with this emphasis focusing on its implementation at national level.
In 2021, Portugal's carbon footprint was 51.9 kilotons of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to 5.0 tons per capita, 25.3% less than in 2010.
Half of the emissions were emitted in Portugal (15.2% from households and 34.8% from production activities due to domestic demand), while the other half were emitted abroad (19.3% in EU Member States and 30.7% in other countries).
The EU's carbon footprint is higher than that estimated for Portugal (on average 1.5 times higher, or 2.8 tons more per capita), although the reduction since 2010 is less marked than in Portugal (-18.7%).
Outside the EU, China was the country that contributed the most to the national carbon footprint (7.4% of the total).

Transport and Communication Statistics
Road Traffic

Road traffic estimated to 79.5 billion vehicle-km Road Traffic – (series 2016-2023)
Statistics Portugal releases, for the first time, a statistical study on StatsLab – statistics under development – for the measure of road traffic of the national stock of vehicles. There were presented results for the period 2016- 2023 (provisional data) obtained from the odometer readings collected during the technical inspections on the national vehicles fleet.
This study resulted from the need to strengthen the area of mobility statistics in Portugal, not only relevant to this area, but also to other areas such as the environment. The study used information from the odometers of vehicles with Portuguese registration, collected during technical inspections carried out on these vehicles at inspection centres. The information was recorded and sent to the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT), in accordance with current regulations. Statistics Portugal would like to thank the IMT for their partnership in providing this administrative information, without which it would not have been possible to carry out this study.
In 2023, it is estimated that 79.5 billion vehicle-km (vkm) were travelled by the national stock of vehicles (-2.4% compared with 2022; +3.6% compared with 2016, first year of the series). Light passenger vehicles represented 73.5% of total traffic while light goods vehicles amounted to 18.5%. Diesel vehicles (all types of vehicles) represented 73.8% of the total vehicle-km and gasoline vehicles stand for 21.0%.

Asymmetry indicators at local and interregional level
Effort rates with permanent home loans

In 2021, the 20% of borrowers with the highest effort rates with permanent home loans used more than 1/5 of their income to pay their housing credit instalments - 2021
With this press release, Statistics Portugal (INE) starts releasing the effort rates with permanent home loans, referenced to 2021, based on the collaboration protocol established with the National Central Bank (Banco de Portugal – BdP) and the information systems of the two Statistical Authorities. In the case of information from INE, this initiative takes advantage of the development of the IND - National Data Infrastructure, which corresponds to the corollary of a path pursued in recent years of integrating data from various sources, and in particular of projects that are part of the Statistics in Development – STATSLab: Income Statistics at local level and the Resident Population Database. In the case of information from the BdP, the project benefits from the information associated with the Central Credit Register, which compiles information on credit instalments for the acquisition or construction permanent owner-occupied housing for borrowers with responsibilities to the national financial system. This is a new project to integrate administrative data from various sources, which aims to provide information on the use of income to access permanent home ownership using bank credit and which reflects a framework of collaboration between INE and the BdP to address a central issue, both from the point of view of households' living conditions and from the perspective of macroprudential policy

Asymmetry indicators at local and interregional level
Monthly earnings of employees by place of work

The median earnings of the employees was less than € 1 000 in 285 (93%) of the 308 municipalities - 2021
Considering the information from the Lists of Personnel (Annex A of the Single Report) of the Office for Strategy and Planning (GEP) of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security (MTSSS), this press release focuses on characterizing the monthly earnings of employees by place of work. In the results presented, the median (the value that separates the ordered set of employees' monthly earnings into two equal parts) is the reference statistic for reading the diversity of employees' monthly earnings in the different territories. However, the data file associated with this press release also shows results for the 1st and 3rd quartiles (monthly earnings values corresponding to the position of the first quarter and the third quarter of the ordered set of data), allowing a reading of the disparities in each territorial unit.
This initiative aims to provide new indicators to characterise the socio-economic diversity of the territories, taking advantage of the potential of the information available in Statistics Portugal National Data Infrastructure – IND, and it is released as part of StatsLab - Statistics in Development. It is also part of the broader development framework of the IAssLocal - Asymmetry Indicators at local and interregional level project

Employment statistics
Gross monthly earnings per worker: the distribution of gross earnings per worker in the Public and Private Sectors 2021
(Ad-hoc Press release – 88th Anniversary of Statistics Portugal)

The distribution of gross earnings per employee in the public and private sectors of the economy.
Based on the data from the Monthly Statement of Earnings transmitted by enterprises to the Tax Authority (Autoridade Tributária), transmitted monthly to Statistics Portugal, following a protocol celebrated between both entities, Statistics Portugal started publishing new statistics on gross monthly earnings per employee. This information concerns around 4.6 million employees, considering all types of earnings from employment and was integrated with other databases available at Statistics Portugal within the scope of the broader project created by Statistics Portugal called “National Data Infrastructure”, enabling both the socio-demographic characterization of employees and the characterization of the enterprises where they work.
This Press release presents complementary results to those released on 12 April , on the distribution of gross earnings per employee in the public sector and in the private sector of the economy, for the year 2021.

Income mobility at local level 2018-2020
(Ad-hoc Press release – 88th Anniversary of Statistics Portugal)

Number of individuals who moved up 2 or more deciles in the income distribution was higher than those who moved down in 96% of the municipalities.
Between 2018 and 2020, the municipality of Odemira (16.9%) recorded the highest proportion of taxable persons who moved up two or more deciles in the gross reported income less personal income tax paid distribution and, the municipality of Bragança (8.5%) observed the lowest value among municipalities in the country.
The municipal analysis of the proportion of taxable persons who moved down two or more deciles in the income distribution, between 2018 and 2020, highlights the municipality of Albufeira with the highest value (16.9%) and, the municipality of Montalegre (6.9%) with the lowest value.
The joint analysis of the two previous indicators, at the municipal level, reveals that in 96% of the municipalities (out of 297 municipalities with available information), upward mobility in the income distribution between 2018 and 2020 was more expressive than downward mobility and also indicates a strong positive association between the intensity of upward and downward mobility in the income distribution.

Consumer survey - April 2023
(Ad-hoc Press release – 88th Anniversary of Statistics Portugal)

Consumer survey Socio – Demographic Analysis.
The confidence indicator of consumers belonging to the highest income quartile (4th quartile) is systematically higher than that of the remaining quartiles, as a result of more favourable assessments of the past and future evolution of the financial situation of their household, as well as of the future evolution of major purchases. By level of education, the same is observed for respondents with higher education. Considering the breakdown by gender it is observed that the confidence indicator for male respondents systematically shows a higher level compared to the indicator obtained for female respondents, which occurs for all the questions that compose the indicator, less visibly on the question related with future major purchases. Finally, by age group, it is the youngest respondents, aged between 16 and 29 years old, who record a higher confidence indicator than the other age groups, which also occurs in all questions of the indicator, except for the question regarding future major purchases.

National Data Infrastructure: The use of administrative data January 2016 to December 2019 Birth of the first child: What changes in the pattern of family expenses?
(Ad-hoc Press release – 88th Anniversary of Statistics Portugal)

Birth of the first child: What changes in the pattern of family expenses?
Using integrated administrative records on income tax and monthly household expenditures from electronic invoices, we estimate that, on average, the birth of the first child increases total household’s expenditure by 20% in the six months that follow childbirth, as compared to the months before the beginning of the pregnancy. The change in total household expenditure can be attributed to an increase of 52% in expenditures in retail trade, 36% increase in health expenditures, 16% increase in electricity and gas and 9% in water. We also observe a significant increase in education expenditures, but contrary to the previous categories, education expenditures only increase in the sixth month after childbirth.

Employment statistics - Gross monthly earnings per worker
Statistics Portugal publishes new statistics on gross monthly earnings per employee based on information from the Tax Authority - 2019 – 2021
Based on the data from the Monthly Statement of Earnings transmitted by firmsto the Tax Authority (Autoridade Tributária), transmitted monthly to Statistics Portugal (INE), following a protocol celebrated between both entities, INE starts publishing new statistics on gross monthly earnings per employee. This information concerns around 4.0 million workers and was integrated with other databases available at INE within the scope of the broader project created by INE called “National Data Infrastructure”, enabling both the socio-demographic characterization of workers and the characterization of the firms where they work. This Press Release includes, as annex, a dynamic Excel file, a new dissemination product that constitutes the essence of this release, in which the user can choose the characteristics of the workers (sex, age group, education level, NUTS 2 region of residence, and occupation) and the characteristics of firms (economic activity) for which it is possible to know the several gross monthly earnings statistics (distribution and its main moments, such as the average, the median, and percentiles) and to compare the three years under analysis (2019, 2020 and 2021).

Cities and Functional Urban Areas
Indicators for characterising the labour market of cities and functional urban areas 2020
This press release presents a set of indicators for Cities and Functional Urban Areas based on the Lists of Personnel (Annex A of the Single Report) of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security (see technical note at the end of the press release). In this context, it is important to note that the Lists of Personnel correspond to administrative data, partially covering economic activity, including mainly workers from the private sector, and that in this exercise only full-time and fully paid employees are considered (see technical note at the end of the press release). The dimensions analysed in this press release regarding employment poles and employment structure may be revisited with the final results of the 2021 Census, but not the component referring to earnings.

This experimental exercise is part of a viability study on the calculation of employment indicators by place of work for Cities and Functional Urban Areas, carried out within the framework of a Eurostat grant dedicated to the collection of sub-national and city statistics1 . The Portuguese Cities and Functional Urban Areas follow the definitions established in the European Regulation TERCET2 , which amended the Regulation of NUTS regions to include other territorial classifications, used as a reference for the territorially differentiated analysis of the European Union

Monthly Business Demography - January 2018 to August 2021
Statistics Portugal presents the main results obtained in the scope of a new study carried out based on information from two administrative sources: the Monthly Statement of Remunerations from Social Security and the E-invoice system from Tax Authority. This project was promoted and financed by Eurostat, in the context of the new European Business Statistics Regulation, and aim to define a new methodology to produce quarterly/monthly indicators on business demography.

Considering that the results were obtained based on administrative data, gradually explored by INE, but whose exploration can still be deepened, it was decided to publish these indicators in StatsLab, since the results can be adjusted when data reaches greater maturity. Even so, these data already allow to identify the monthly dynamics of the Portuguese business demography, regarding births

COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal: Regional Economic Activity E-invoice 2019 – 2020
In the framework of a protocol signed between the two entities, Tax and Customs Authority transmits monthly information to Statistics Portugal obtained through the E-invoice system (E-fatura). This information allows the evaluation of the economy behaviour from a regional perspective in the period from March (beginning of the pandemic economic effects) to November 2020 (last month available) compared to the same period in 2019.

Stats E – Innovative enterprises study 2018
The integration of survey data with administrative data has enabled Statistics Portugal, under conditions of appropriate protection of statistical confidentiality, a fundamental principle of official statistics, to build a powerful enterprise database: the Stats E.

The Stats E, according to our best knowledge, is already one of the most advanced enterprise database in international terms. Its analytical exploration is still under development from three perspectives:
  • exploitation for a more efficient production of existing official statistics;
  • design of new official statistics which are made available at an early stage in STATSLab;
  • support for scientific research.
This study corresponds to the first perspective mentioned and aims to illustrate the analytical possibilities associated with the exploitation of Stats E, showing how innovation, sector of activity, enterprise size-class (levels of persons employed) and human resources qualifications are related. In particular, the results obtained by the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) are related to the characteristics, of the same enterprises in that survey, available under the Integrated Business Accounts System (IBAS), Single Report (SR) and Survey on ICT Usage and E-commerce in Enterprises (IUTICE).
Information dedicated to the relative performance of innovative and non-innovative enterprises in High and medium-high technology sectors is also presented, which include the sectors of High-technology industries, Medium-high technology industries and High-tech knowledge-intensive services sector..

Survey on the Identification of Qualifications Needs in Enterprises 2020
Statistics Portugal presents the main results of the Survey on the Identification of Qualifications Needs in Enterprises. This is a survey conducted for the first time in the National Statistical System, promoted by Statistics Portugal between March and June this year in collaboration with ANQEP(Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional) and DGEEC (Direção-Geral de Estatísticas da Educação e Ciência), with the year 2020 as reference, which allowed to obtain 4 313 valid answers (73,2% of the sample).
Considering that the results obtained may reflect the exceptional moment that economic activity has faced, given that the period of response to this survey began a week before the declaration of the state of emergency and lasted until the end of June, it was chosen to publish this information in this space, considering that the results in another context could be different, although this information still allows to identify the most needed qualifications in the next 2 years by the Portuguese enterprises.

Income statistics at the local level - Reported income on Personal Income Tax indicators
Statistics Portugal (SP) releases annually the Income Statistics at the local level produced on the basis of anonymized fiscal data from the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) related to the Settlement note of Personal Income Tax (IRS – Modelo 3), obtained under an agreement between AT and SP.
These results are based on the values of Gross reported income, of Personal income paid tax and of the derivate variable of Gross reported income, less personal income paid tax, by tax household and by taxable person. The results are structured in summary files for the municipalities with 2 000 or more taxable persons and for the NUTS 3 sub-regions of the country.

Population mobility indicators at regional level - a view based on Meta's "Data for Good" initiative
Taking advantage of Meta's "Data for Good" initiative, population mobility some indicators are released at the NUTS III level. This data corresponds to location updates collected from the mobile devices of users of the Meta application who have the ‘’ location history ’option turned on. Only data with a location accuracy (GPS) of less than 200 meters is considered and, in the case of a user presenting multiple locations, resulting from more than one associated mobile device, Meta considers only the data with greater location accuracy. The release of results for NUTS III level implies a minimum of 300 unique users, per sub-region.

Gross monthly earnings per employee (Social Security – Data analysed by Statistics Portugal)
Statistics Portugal publishes quarterly, statistics on remuneration based on the information of the Monthly Statement of Remunerations transmitted by companies to the Social Security and the Contribution Ratio of Caixa Geral de Aposentações' subscribers.
This information concerns around 400 thousand companies and approximately 4.2 million employees. In the future, when Statistics Portugal has information at the employee level, it is intended to complement these statistics with others that will make it possible, among other possibilities, to know the distribution of wages and to carry out the socio-demographic characterization of workers.
  • View the Press Release:
With the stabilization of the procedures adopted in the production of these data, from the edition of the Press release referring to the 3rd quarter of 2021, the release of results as official statistics begins, and they are no longer disclosed in this page.

Social Economy Sector Survey - 2018
Statistics Portugal presents the main results of the Social Economy Sector Survey, on the occasion of the European Day of Social Economy Enterprises. This is a survey conducted for the first time in the National Statistical System, promoted by Statistics Portugal between June and September this year in collaboration with CASES, with the year 2018 as reference, which allowed to obtain 3 550 valid answers (about 60% of the sample), to gather information on the characterization of this sector and management practices in 2018.
The results now presented focus essentially on the analysis of the management practices of Social Economy entities, which were grouped into 5 large families – Cooperatives, Mutual Associations, Holy Houses of Mercy, Foundations and Associations with altruistic goals.
It is intended in the near future to develop the results of the Social Economy Sector Survey, namely through the dissemination of other information that allows a more detailed characterization of the sector, in terms of the activities carried out, internal composition, relations with public sector entities, indicators that measure the social impact of these entities and financing sources.

Census with administrative data
To celebrate the European Statistics Day (20 October), Statistics Portugal announces the progress of the Census with administrative data to be executed after the 2021 Census. This project is part of the National Data Infrastructure that embodies Statistics Portugal's strategy of integration and value creation for society from different data sources. Central to the project is the constitution of the Resident Population Database covering a set of characteristics - geographical, demographic and socio-economic - of the resident population in Portugal and results from the integration of information from various sources of the public administration. Full version in HTML will be available soon.