Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover

Paper Paper
Cross boarder road transport survey - merchandise heavy vehicles - 2008
Issue year: 2009


The cross border merchandise heavy vehicles road transport survey is a result of a commitment taken by the Spain-Portugal cross border Observatory (OTEP), in the Iberian Summit which took place in November 2005. In this Summit both countries agreed to launch a survey that would contribute to better characterise the cross border transport in the main Portuguese/Spanish borders, like others surveys conducted in some European countries, as for instance the survey promoted in the Pyrenees and Alps borders.

This publication presents the main results of the Transport across road borders survey, together with the
methodological aspects and the statistical analysis which is divided into two different parts:
 - part I of the publication gives focus to a detailed characterization of the merchandises heavy vehicles road transport;
 - part II deals with the main results of a exploratory study aiming to identify the merchandise heavy vehicle traffic
profile in the different Portuguese-Spanish borders where the survey was realized.

At last, the statistical data and a detailed description of the methodology are included, as well the classifications
and concepts applied to the survey.

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