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Statistical Yearbook of Portugal - 2023
Issue year: 2024


Statistics Portugal presents the 115th edition of the Statistical Yearbook of Portugal (SYP), which follows a long tradition that started in 1877 (SYP 1875).

The SYP 2023 presents an overall analysis that provides a comprehensive view of the phenomena recorded in 2023 in social, economic, and demographic terms.

The current edition is organized in 29 subchapters, distributed in 4 major themes: Territory, People, Economic Activity and State. Each subchapter consists of a synthetic statistical analysis supported by an infographics page, allowing a quick understanding of the phenomena highlighted.

The statistical data, contained in this publication, present time series with a breakdown at NUTS I and II levels, allowing a chronological and geographical comparison of the phenomena portrayed.

Also available an interactive edition

PDF SYP2023.pdf (4831 Kb)
Excel XLSX II «People» (1636 Kb)
Excel XLSX IV «State» (243 Kb)
ZIP CSV (2792 Kb)

How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Statistical Yearbook of Portugal : 2023. Lisboa : INE, 2024. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0871-8741. ISBN 978-989-25-0699-9

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