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Publication cover

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Study on the Local Purchasing Power - 2019
Issue year: 2021


This publication characterizes the Portuguese municipalities from a purchasing power perspective, based on a set of indicators obtained from a factor analysis model. This study presents three indicators: Per Capita purchasing power Indicator, the Proportion of Purchasing Power, based on the Per Capita Indicator, and the Dynamism Relative Factor. The advantage of these indicators is that they provide information at the municipality level, for when it is not possible to comply with data requirements and conceptual principles of macroeconomic synthetic indicators with sufficient spatial detail.

The publication includes an application (see appEPCC2019) that allows the calculation of the value for any of the three indicators according to other territorial classifications, such as the previous version of NUTS and administrative districts, as well as for other specific groups of municipalities defined by the user, also including the possibility of exporting the data to a spreadsheet.

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ZIP appEPCC2019 (44338 Kb)

How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estudo sobre o Poder de Compra Concelhio : 2019 Lisboa : INE, 2021. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0872-5977. ISBN 978-989-25-0578-7

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