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Fertility survey - 2019
Issue year: 2021


This publication related to the 2019 Fertility Survey contains five studies carried out by academic researchers and technicians from Statistics Portugal.

As mentioned in the Introductory Note, these studies «far from exhausting the volume of available information, reveal their multiple potential for analytical purposes»:

 - To have or not to have children: reasons for the decision, Maria João Valente Rosa and Isabel Tiago de Oliveira

 - Fertility intentions of young parent groups: a comparative analysis of single parent groups, of “simple” and recomposed couples, Vanessa Cunha, Susana Atalaia and Sofia Marinho

 - Second child: an uncertain transition, Rita Brazão Freitas, Andreia Maciel and Maria Filomena Mendes

 - Permanent and voluntary infertility: people without children and with no intention of having them, Susana Clemente, Rita Lages and Joana Malta

 - Fertility as an advanced indicator of the economic cycle in Portugal, Jorge M. Bravo


How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Inquérito à Fecundidade : 2019. Lisboa : INE, 2021. Available at www: <url:>. ISBN 978-989-25-0567-1

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