The National Statistical Institute since its creation in 1969, publishes every year the Tourism Statistics in which it presents the main results of the tourist activity, namely the accommodation capacity and guests' flows in hotels and similar establishments. The present edition sets out the main results concerning the tourist activity of 2001 and the tourism trips of residents concerning 2000 and 2001. Although this edition keeps, in general terms, the same kind of information of the previous editions, we enhance the changes in content and format of the result presentation. These changes provide the user with general data essential to characterise tourism evolution in the most recent years, as well as a brief analysis of the key figures of the sector. The geographic distribution of the statistical data presented in this publication is, in its most part, available for the first and second level of the "Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics" (NUTS I and II).
[Available an executive summary in english language]