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Paper Paper
Socio-Economic Indicadors - January 1973
Issue year: 1973

«During the last four years (February 1969-December 1972) the National Institute of Statistics has issued monthly a leaflet Short Term Statistical Indicators, containing a list os about two hundred statistical indicators.

The experience acquired, both directly, and from outside comments, has led the reexamination of the chosen indicators, eliminating those that were deemed of small interest and introducing others suggested by the users.

Recognizing the socio-economic nature of the information provided we decided that, starting from now, the leaflet would become known as Socio-Economic Indicators instead of Short Term Statistical Indicators


How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Indicadores Economco-Sociais : janeiro de 1973. Lisboa : INE, 1973. Available at www: <url:>

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