Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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Tourism Statistics - 2021
Issue year: 2022


General information and the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism in 2021 are now disseminated, including:

- Context - international and national economic context, based on information from several sources, namely the World Tourism Organization, Eurostat, the International Monetary Fund, Banco de Portugal and Social Security. It also includes results for the movement of maritime cruises, tourist arrivals in Portugal, gross monthly earnings per employee in accommodation activities and an analysis of the distribution of the main variables that characterize accommodation activities.

- Tourism accommodation on offer and occupation – results of supply and occupancy in tourist accommodation activity for the overall sector (tourist accommodation establishments, camping sites, holiday camps and youth hostels) and within the sector of tourist accommodation establishments, by the three sub sectors: hotels and similar establishments, rural tourism and lodging tourism and finally local accommodation. 

- Tourism demand from residents - detailed results on resident tourists, covering the characteristics of the respective trips in its different perspectives, including same-day visits.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estatísticas do Turismo : 2021. Lisboa : INE, 2022. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0377-2306. ISBN 978-989-25-0606-7

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