This publication presents the main statistical findings on the activity of Tourism, considering both international data on tourist demand of residents in Portugal and also on collective tourist accommodation.
Concerning the tourist demand, the main results from the “Travel survey of residents” (IDR) are now presented, referring to characteristics of tourism trips and tourists.
Information on collective tourist accommodation is now presented from the “Survey on guest stays in hotels and other establishments” (IPHH), as well as from similar surveys conducted by Statistics Portugal about camping sites, holiday camps and youth hostels. On this subject, information regarding accommodation capacity, guests and nights spent, as well as revenue from collective accommodation establishments becomes relevant.
There is also available information about both national and international economical context of the tourism sector, based on complementary information from several sources, namely Eurostat, the “World Tourism Organization” (UNWTO), Banco de Portugal and port administrations.
[executive summary in english language]
Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estatísticas do Turismo : 2012. Lisboa : INE, 2013. Avialable at www: <url:>. ISSN 0377-2306. ISBN 978-989-25-0205-2