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Publication cover

Paper and CD-ROM Paper and CD-ROM
Cross-Border Statistics Algarve/Andaluzia
Issue year: 2001


he promotion of the economic and social development of cross-border regions has been highly discussed within the Portuguese and Spanish Governments, mainly after they both joined the European Union.
The present publication Cross-border Statistics Algarve-Andaluzia comes out in this context. The 12 chapters of the publication get to know and compare the recent evolution of the current situation of both regions in the domains Territory and Environment, Demography, Economic Activities, Employment, Housing, Transports and Communications, Financial Activity, Businesses and Public Administration, Social and Macroeconomic Indicators, among others, all matters of great importance for their future.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Cross-Border Statistics Algarve-Andaluzia : 2000. Lisboa : INE ; IEA, 2001. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 1645-0051. ISBN 972-673-447-9

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