In the publication Culture Statistics – 2010, Statistics Portugal disseminates the main results related to the supply and demand of goods and services in the cultural sector, based on the results of statistical operations carried out by Statistics Portugal and results obtained from administrative sources.
The time frame of the most recent information is the year 2010, except for the chapter on business activities linked to cultural and creative activities, for which the latest data is from 2009.
This publication is divided into three parts:
− The first part (chapters 1 and 2) presents a descriptive analysis of the main results related to cultural activities developed in 2010 and a summary table allowing an immediate reading of the evolution of domains and sub domains from the cultural and creative sector.
− The second part presents tables with information from statistical operations that observed cross-cutting aspects of the cultural and creative activities and its different domains (chapters 3-12): employment in cultural and creative activities; prices indices for cultural goods and services; enterprises in cultural and creative activities; international trade of cultural goods; cultural heritage; visual arts; printed materials and literature; cinema; art activities and performances; broadcasting and financing of cultural activities.
− The last part presents metadata for interpretation of results, including methodological notes, sources, concepts and notation instruments used.
Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Culture Statistics : 2010. Lisboa : INE, 2011. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 1647-4066. ISBN 978-989-25-0122-2