Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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Your search found the following number of results (in 0.268 seconds):

 total 73
 Area  Results 
 Publications 46
 Database 19
 Press releases 5
 Studies 3


  1. 15 July 2009
    The purpose of this publication is to give an overview of the agriculture in 2008, as well as for some branches of national economy related to this sector. The first chapter gives a short description  ...

  2. 23 December 2008
    The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organised in 26 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters - The Territory, The People, The Economic Activity and The ...

  3. 07 May 2008
    This publication features key statistics on demographic events in Portugal and an analysis of the major demographic indicators, inter alia: - developments in the population; - births (live births and  ...

  4. 24 January 2008
    Statistics Portugal disseminates the main statistical findings on the activity of the Transport Sector in 2006, by type of transport: - Railway transport: the data presented are the result of the ...

  5. 14 January 2008
    The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organised in 26 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters - The Territory, The People, The Economic Activity and The ...

  6. 18 July 2007
    The purpose of this publication is to give an overview of the agriculture for the year 2006, as well as for some branches of national economy related to this sector. Basic results and findings ...

  7. 11 April 2007
    Territorial Portrait of Portugal uses information released in Regional Statistical Yearbooks, presenting a socio-economic characterisation of the Portuguese territory, mainly at municipality level. ...

  8. 23 December 2005
    The thematic content of this year's edition - Regional Statistical Yearbook of Alentejo Region - has been reorganized with 25 sub chapters now grouped into four main chapters - Territory, People, ...

  9. 28 November 2005
    This publication presents the most relevant statistical information on demographic events in Portugal, inter alia: - Developments in the population and major demographic indicators; - Vital ...

  10. 12 December 2003
    In the first part, this study aims at giving a portray of the population, housing and employment components within the geographic area comprising municipalities bordering Spain, and those immediately  ...

  1. South: How many are we? Where do we live?
    03 February 2014
    PDF | 1553 KB
    For the purpose of the analysis of demographics (dis) continuities revealed by the 2011 Census in Portugal, the whole country was subdivided into different regions according to demographic trends ...
  2. Municipal development indexes
    04 October 2002
    PDF | 1831 KB
    This paper aims at quantifying the level of economic and social development of the Portuguese mainland regions and municipalities. With this aim, five partial development indexes (demography, health ...
  3. Place of birth versus Residence in Portugal 2011
    05 July 2017
    PDF | 4277 KB
    Although this study falls within the scope of migration statistics, the variables observed in the context of migration are based on the exchange between the place of birth and the usual residence ...

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