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Press releases
New housing construction cost index20 May 2005PDF | 66 KBIn March 2005 the new housing construction cost index on the mainland had a change of 2.0% from the same month in 2004, which represents a 1.3 percentage points (p.p.) deceleration, when compared ...
New housing construction cost index22 April 2005PDF | 66 KBIn February 2005 the new housing construction cost index on the mainland declined by 3.3% from the same month in 2004, which represents a deceleration of 0.5 percentage point (p.p.) from January. ...
New housing construction cost index23 March 2005PDF | 65 KBIn January 2005 the new housing construction cost index on the mainland had a change of 3.7% from the same month of 2004, which represents a 0.7 percentage point (p.p.) deceleration of costs from ...
Tourism satellite account for Portugal17 March 2005PDF | 164 KBIn 2000 domestic tourism supply accounted for approximately 10.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at market prices. ...
New housing construction cost index22 February 2005PDF | 65 KBIn December 2004 the new housing construction cost index on the mainland rose by 4.6% from the same month in 2003, representing a deceleration of 0.4 percentage point (p.p.) from the previous month. ...
New housing construction cost index25 January 2005PDF | 66 KBIn November 2004 the new housing construction cost index on the mainland rose by 5.0% from the same month in 2003, which represents a slight deceleration of 0.1 percentage point (p.p.) from growth in ...