Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Search results

Your search found the following number of results (in 0.232 seconds):

 total 855
 Area  Results 
 Publications 566
 Press releases 196
 National Accounts 64
 Studies 16
 Metadata 9
 Database 2
 Institutional 2

Press releases

  1. Tourism activity
    15 January 2024
    PDF | 558 KB
    In November 2023 , the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 1.9 million guests (+9.2%) and 4.6 million overnight stays (+7.5%), generating EUR 329.4 million in total revenue (+13.3%) and EUR ...
  2. Tourism activity - November 2023 - Estimativa RĂ¡pida - November 2023

    Tourism activity
    29 December 2023
    PDF | 247 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 1.9 million guests and 4.6 million overnight stays in November 2023, corresponding to increases of 9.2% and 7.5%, respectively (+8.9% and +8.6% in October ...

  3. Tourism activity
    14 December 2023
    PDF | 254 KB
    In October 2023 , the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 2.9 million guests (+8.7%) and 7.4 million overnight stays (+8.5%), generating EUR 584.2 million in total revenue (+17.4%) and EUR ...

  4. Tourism activity
    30 November 2023
    PDF | 242 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 2.9 million guests and 7.4 million overnight stays in October 2023, corresponding to increases of 8.7% and 8.5%, respectively (+9.3% and +6.9% in September  ...

  5. Tourism activity
    14 November 2023
    PDF | 259 KB
    In September 2023 , the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 3.2 million guests (+9.0%) and 8.2 million overnight stays (+6.7%), leading to EUR 707.0 million in total revenue (+15.7%) and EUR ...

  6. Tourism activity
    31 October 2023
    PDF | 249 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 3.2 million guests and 8.2 million overnight stays in September 2023, corresponding to increases of 9.0% and 6.7%, respectively (+5.0% and +1.8% in August ...

  7. Tourism Demand of Residents
    27 October 2023
    PDF | 323 KB
    In the 2nd quarter of 2023 , residents in Portugal made a total of 5.7 million trips, an increase of 6.1% (+1.0% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2019; +11.8% in the 1st quarter of 2023). Domestic ...

  8. Tourism activity
    13 October 2023
    PDF | 259 KB
    In August 2023 , the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 3.5 million guests (+4.8%) and 10.1 million overnight stays (+1.4%), which corresponded to EUR 878.3 million in total revenue (+10.4%) ...

  9. Tourism activity
    29 September 2023
    PDF | 253 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 3.5 million guests and 10.1 million overnight stays in August 2023 , corresponding to increases of 4.8% and 1.4%, respectively (+4.4% and +1.7% in July ...

  10. Tourism activity
    14 September 2023
    PDF | 269 KB
    In July 2023, the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 3.2 million guests (+4.2%), and 8.8 million overnight stays (+1.5%), corresponding to EUR 754.0 million in total revenue (+10.6%) and EUR ...

  11. Tourism activity
    31 August 2023
    PDF | 265 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 3.2 million guests and 8.8 million overnight stays in July 2023 , corresponding to increases of 4.1% and 1.3%, respectively (+6.9% and +3.6% in June 2023, ...

  12. Tourism activity
    14 August 2023
    PDF | 482 KB
    In June 2023, the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 2.9 million guests (+7.1%) and 7.4 million overnight stays (+3.7%), corresponding to EUR 622.1 million in total revenue (+14.0%) and EUR ...

  13. Tourism activity
    31 July 2023
    PDF | 270 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 2.9 million guests and 7.4 million overnight stays in June 2023, corresponding to increases of 7.1% and 3.7%, respectively (+12.2% and +9.9% in May 2023, ...

  14. Tourism activity
    14 July 2023
    PDF | 253 KB
    In May 2023 , the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 2.8 million guests (+12.1%) and 7.1 million overnight stays (+10.0%) corresponding to EUR 571.7 million in total revenue (+25.2%) and EUR ...

  15. Tourism statistics
    06 July 2023
    PDF | 365 KB
    In 2022, the number of non-resident tourists’ arrivals in Portugal is estimated to have reached 22.3 million, corresponding to an increase of 131.4% compared to 2021, but below the 2019 levels ...

  16. Tourism activity
    30 June 2023
    PDF | 255 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 2.8 million guests and 7.1 million overnight stays in May 2023 , corresponding to increases of 12.1% and 10.0%, respectively (+16.8% and +14.0% in April ...

  17. Tourism activity
    14 June 2023
    PDF | 257 KB
    In April 2023, the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 2.7 million guests (+16.5%) and 6.8 million overnight stays (+13.8%), corresponding to EUR 497.1 million in total revenue (+28.6%), and ...

  18. Tourism activity
    31 May 2023
    PDF | 291 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 2.7 million guests and 6.8 million overnight stays in April 2023, corresponding to increases of 16.5% and 13.8%, respectively (+30.7% and +26.8% in March ...

  19. Tourism activity
    15 May 2023
    PDF | 369 KB
    In March 2023 , the tourist accommodation sector accounted for 2.1 million guests (+30.8%) and 5.1 million overnight stays (+26.7%), corresponding to EUR 338.0 million in total revenue (+45.1%), and ...

  20. Tourism activity
    28 April 2023
    PDF | 255 KB
    The tourist accommodation secto r registered 2.1 million guests and 5.1 million overnight stays in March 2023 , corresponding to increases of 30.8% and 26.7%, respectively (+32.5% and +37.7% in ...

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