Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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Press releases

  1. World Health Day - 7 April
    06 April 2023
    PDF | 989 KB
    On the occasion of the World Health Day that will be celebrated tomorrow, Statistic Portugal publishes a new edition of the publication "Estatísticas da Saúde" (Health Statistics in ...

  2. World Health Day - 7 April
    06 April 2022
    PDF | 1173 KB
    On the occasion of the World Health Day that will be celebrated tomorrow, Statistic Portugal publishes a new edition of the publication "Estatísticas da Saúde" (Health Statistics in ...

  3. Income and Living Conditions
    25 February 2022
    PDF | 305 KB
    In 2021, 50.2% of the population rated their health status as good or very good, 1.1 pp less than in the previous year (51.3%), in contrast to the growing trend of this indicator that has been ...

  4. Income and Living Conditions
    22 February 2022
    PDF | 908 KB
    In 2021, 10.7% of children under 16 years of age lived in households in material and social deprivation, an outcome lower than that obtained for the general population (13.5%). Data collected in 2021  ...

  5. Income and Living Conditions
    17 December 2021
    PDF | 362 KB
    The Survey on Income and Living Conditions held in 2021 on previous year incomes shows that 18.4% of the population was at-risk-of-poverty in 2020, 2.2 percentage points (pp) more than in 2019. The ...

  6. Income and Living Conditions
    19 February 2021
    PDF | 786 KB
    In 2020, the material deprivation rate in Portugal decreased to 13.5% (15.1% in 2019) and the severe material deprivation to 4.6% (5.6% in 2019). The information collected on material deprivation, ...

  7. Income and Living Conditions
    26 November 2019
    PDF | 501 KB
    The Survey on Income and Living Conditions held in 2019 on previous year incomes shows that 17.2% of the population was at-risk-of-poverty in 2018, one decimal point (pp) less than in 2017. The ...

  8. Income and Living Conditions
    07 May 2019
    PDF | 386 KB
    The definitive data of the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), carried out in 2018 on previous year incomes, indicate that the annual median equivalent monetary disposable income in ...

  9. Income and Living Conditions
    30 November 2018
    PDF | 440 KB
    The Survey on Income and Living Conditions held in 2018 on previous year incomes shows that 17.3% of the population was at-risk-of-poverty in 2017, one percentage point (pp) less than in 2016. The ...

  10. Income and Living Conditions
    07 May 2018
    PDF | 443 KB
    According to the EU-SILC (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) survey definitive data, there were 9.3% persons living in a condition of insufficient living space and 4.0% living in a ...

  11. Income and Living Conditions
    30 November 2017
    PDF | 440 KB
    The Survey on Income and Living Conditions held in 2017 on previous year incomes shows that 18.3% of the population was at-risk-of-poverty in 2016, declining from the previous year (19.0%). In 2016 ...

  12. Income and Living Conditions
    16 May 2017
    PDF | 656 KB
    According to the EU-SILC (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) survey definitive data, the median equivalent monetary disposable income was, in nominal terms, 8,782 euro and the median ...

  13. Labour Day - 1 may
    28 April 2017
    PDF | 399 KB
    On the occasion of International Labour Day, Statistics Portugal disseminates information that characterizes employment and the profile of workers in Portugal, using a set of indicators obtained from  ...

  14. Income and Living Conditions
    15 December 2016
    PDF | 496 KB
    The Survey on Income and Living Conditions held in 2016 shows that 19.0% of the population was at risk of poverty in 2015, declining from the previous year (19.5%). The at-risk-of-poverty rate ...

  15. Income and Living Conditions
    13 May 2016
    PDF | 504 KB
    Among the 20% of the resident population with the highest incomes in 2014 (disposable income above 1 110 euro per month), 57.5 % had achieved a higher education level and 26.2% was employed. More ...

  16. Social indicators
    04 May 2005
    PDF | 114 KB
    The 2003 issue of the publication Indicadores Sociais (Social indicators) is made available as from this date. Its main purpose is to update the main social statistical data on an annual basis. ...

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