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Press releases

  1. Business and consumer surveys
    27 February 2023
    PDF | 401 KB
    The Consumer confidence increased between December and February, interrupting the negative profile of the previous three months which resulted, in November, in the lowest value since April 2020 when ...

  2. Employment statistics
    15 February 2023
    PDF | 491 KB
    In the 4th quarter of 2022 Of the total people who were unemployed in the 3rd quarter of 2022, 52.7% (161.3 thousand) remained in that state in the 4th quarter of 2022, 26.2% (80.0 thousand) moved ...

  3. Business and consumer surveys
    30 January 2023
    PDF | 400 KB
    The Consumer confidence increased in December and January, interrupting the negative profile of the previous three months which resulted, in November, in the lowest value since April 2020 when the ...

  4. Business and consumer surveys
    02 January 2023
    PDF | 402 KB
    The Consumer confidence increased in December, interrupting the negative profile of the previous three months. The balance of Consumer opinions on the past evolution of the price level decreased in ...

  5. Business and consumer surveys
    29 November 2022
    PDF | 403 KB
    The Consumer confidence indicator decrease between September and November , very slightly in the last month, reaching a value close to that recorded in April 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. ...

  6. Business and consumer surveys
    28 October 2022
    PDF | 449 KB
    The Consumer confidence decrease in September and October, reaching a value close to that recorded in April 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. The balance of Consumer opinions on the past ...

  7. Business and consumer surveys
    29 September 2022
    PDF | 404 KB
    The Consumer confidence decrease in September, attaining the lowest value since the beginning of the pandemic in April 2020 which is lower than the level observed in March, when there was the second ...

  8. A Year of Pandemic: a Brief Overview
    28 May 2021
    PDF | 859 KB
    The comparison of statistical results available for the first year of the pandemic (March 2020 to February 2021) with the pre-pandemic period (March 2019 to February 2020), allows to have a more ...

  9. Monthly Employment and Unemployment Estimates
    29 August 2019
    PDF | 301 KB
    In June 2019, the unemployment rate was 6.6%, the same value of the previous month. This value follows an increase of 0.1 percentage points (pp) from three months before and a decrease of 0.3 pp from  ...

  10. Monthly Employment and Unemployment Estimates
    29 March 2019
    PDF | 225 KB
    In January 2019, the unemployment rate was 6.6%, the same value as in the previous month and in three months before, and down 1.2 percentage points (pp) from the same month of 2018. That value ...

  11. Business and consumer surveys
    30 May 2017
    PDF | 428 KB
    The Consumer confidence indicator increased in May, resuming the positive path observed since the beginning of 2013 and reaching the maximum level of the series started in November 1997. The economic  ...

  12. International Youth Day - 12 August
    11 August 2014
    PDF | 1837 KB
    Na última década, o número de jovens entre os 15 e os 29 anos reduziu-se em quase meio milhão em Portugal. Entre 2001 e 2011, em 302 dos 308 municípios portugueses,  ...

  13. Seminar/Conference
    20 November 2013
    PDF | 1433 KB
    Em Portugal a dimensão média das famílias reduziu-se significativamente em 50 anos, passando de 3,8 pessoas por família, em 1960, para 2,6 pessoas, em 2011. O casal (com e  ...

  14. Mother's Day
    03 May 2013
    PDF | 376 KB
    A idade das mães ao nascimento do primeiro filho tem vindo a aumentar. Em 2001 era-se mãe pela primeira vez aos 26,8 anos. Em 2011 a maternidade surge mais tarde, só aos 29,2 ...

  15. Father's Day - 19 March
    18 March 2013
    PDF | 339 KB
    Em Portugal, 1 631 376 Pais vivem com filhos/as. A idade média dos Pais é de 47,1 anos. Na sua maioria são casados e vivem, em média, com 1,5 filhos. A maioria dos Pais ...

  16. Monthly Economic Survey
    19 December 2012
    PDF | 828 KB
    In November, the economic sentiment and the consumer confidence indicators for the Euro Area (EA) recorded a new reduction. In the same month, the raw materials and oil prices presented monthly ...

  17. Census
    20 November 2012
    PDF | 1158 KB
    A população residente em Portugal, à data do momento censitário (21 de Março de 2011) era de 10 562 178 pessoas, das quais 5 046 600 são homens e 5 515 578 ...

  18. Business and consumer surveys
    04 June 2007
    PDF | 322 KB
    In May the Business Climate Indicator posted the fourth consecutive improvement, maintaining the upward trend started in October 2005, which was more marked after June 2006. This was the best result ...

  19. Business and consumer surveys
    03 May 2007
    PDF | 269 KB
    In April the Business Climate Indicator recovered for the third consecutive time, resuming the upward trend started in October 2005 that become more marked after June 2006. The confidence indicator ...

  20. Business and consumer surveys
    03 April 2007
    PDF | 317 KB
    In March the Business Climate Indicator recovered, standing at a maximum since July 2002. The confidence indicator in manufacturing industry recovered again, for the third consecutive time. In ...

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