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17 July 2001The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
17 July 2001The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
17 July 2001The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
17 July 2001The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
17 July 2001The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
23 May 2001This publication sets out a wide range of information of the Census of Agriculture 1999. Data is distributed by 38 estimates tables with a territorial breakdown by NUTS II levels and Agrarian Region. ...