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Eastern European immigrants in Portugal03 April 2006PDF | 858 KBThis article analysis the sudden and intense migratory flow from Eastern Europe to Portugal that took place esssentially in 2001/2002. Based on a national survey the article describes the ...
Place of birth versus Residence in Portugal 201105 July 2017PDF | 4277 KBAlthough this study falls within the scope of migration statistics, the variables observed in the context of migration are based on the exchange between the place of birth and the usual residence ...
23rd European Meeting of Statisticians03 October 2001PDF | 1271 KBThis special issue of Revista de Estatística — Statistical Review contains the short summaries of the contributed papers accepted for presentation at the 23rd European Meeting of ...
23rd European Meeting of Statisticians - Part I03 October 2001PDF | 1427 KBThis special issue of Revista de Estatística — Statistical Review contains the short summaries of the contributed papers accepted for presentation at the 23rd European Meeting of ...
23rd European Meeting of Statisticians03 October 2001PDF | 1524 KBThis special issue of Revista de Estatística — Statistical Review contains the extended abstracts of the invited papers for the 23rd European Meeting of Statisticians, Funchal, 13-18 ...