Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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 total 64
 Area  Results 
 National Accounts 64

National Accounts
  1. Tourism consumption on the economic territory by type of tourism and product
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 > Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory SEC2010
    XLSX | 34 KB
  2. Tourism consumption on the economic territory - domestic tourism by product
      Portuguese National Accounts > Satellite Accounts > Tourism Satellite Account > Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory
    XLSX | 22 KB
  3. Tourism consumption on the economic territory - inbound tourism by product
      Portuguese National Accounts > Satellite Accounts > Tourism Satellite Account > Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory
    XLSX | 22 KB
  4. Tourism consumption on the economic territory by type of tourism and product
      Portuguese National Accounts > Satellite Accounts > Tourism Satellite Account > Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory
    XLSX | 48 KB
  5. Tourism collective consumption
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 Base2016 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account - SEC2010 Base2016 > Inbound Tourism Expenditure - SEC2010 Base2016
    XLSX | 207 KB
  6. Domestic supply and tourism consumption on the economic territory
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 Base2016 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account - SEC2010 Base2016 > Inbound Tourism Expenditure - SEC2010 Base2016
    XLSX | 107 KB
  7. Tourism consumption on the economic territory
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 Base2016 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account - SEC2010 Base2016 > Inbound Tourism Expenditure - SEC2010 Base2016
    XLSX | 46 KB
  8. Outbound tourism expenditure
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 Base2016 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account - SEC2010 Base2016 > Inbound Tourism Expenditure - SEC2010 Base2016
    XLSX | 42 KB
  9. Domestic tourism expenditure
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 Base2016 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account - SEC2010 Base2016 > Inbound Tourism Expenditure - SEC2010 Base2016
    XLSX | 46 KB
  10. Inbound tourism expenditure
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 Base2016 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 Base2016 > Tourism Satellite Account - SEC2010 Base2016 > Inbound Tourism Expenditure - SEC2010 Base2016
    XLSX | 42 KB
  11. Tourism collective consumption
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 > Tourism Collective Consumption SEC2010
    XLSX | 206 KB
  12. Domestic supply and tourism consumption on the economic territory by products
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 > Domestic Supply and Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory SEC2010
    XLSX | 73 KB
  13. Outbound tourism expenditure, by products and classes of visitors
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 > Outbound Tourism Expenditure SEC2010
    XLSX | 31 KB
  14. Domestic tourism expenditure, by product, classes of visitors and types of trips
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 > Domestic Tourism Expenditure SEC2010
    XLSX | 34 KB
  15. Inbound tourism expenditure, by products and classes of visitors
      Portuguese National Accounts SEC2010 > Satellite Accounts - SEC2010 > Tourism Satellite Account SEC2010 > Inbound Tourism Expenditure - SEC2010
    XLSX | 31 KB
  16. Domestic supply and tourism consumption on the economic territory by products
      Portuguese National Accounts > Satellite Accounts > Tourism Satellite Account > Domestic Supply and Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory
    XLSX | 138 KB
  17. Components of tourism consumption on the economic territory
      Portuguese National Accounts > Satellite Accounts > Tourism Satellite Account > Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory
    XLSX | 17 KB
  18. Tourism consumption on the economic territory - other components of consumption by product
      Portuguese National Accounts > Satellite Accounts > Tourism Satellite Account > Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory
    XLSX | 22 KB
  19. Tourism consumption on the economic territory - by product
      Portuguese National Accounts > Satellite Accounts > Tourism Satellite Account > Tourism Consumption on the Economic Territory
    XLSX | 22 KB
  20. Outbound tourism consumption by category of visitor
      Portuguese National Accounts > Satellite Accounts > Tourism Satellite Account > Outbound Tourism Consumption
    XLSX | 15 KB

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