Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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 Press releases 5

Press releases

  1. Regional statistical yearbooks
    17 December 2024
    PDF | 1029 KB
    The Regional Statistical Yearbooks provide a wide range of statistical data at regional and municipal levels. Of the subset of topics chosen for analysis in this press release, the following are ...

  2. Regional statistical yearbooks
    19 December 2022
    PDF | 7464 KB
    Statistics Portugal releases the Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which include a wide range of statistical information at regional and municipal levels. From the topics analysed in this press ...

  3. Context indicators for the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal
    29 January 2021
    PDF | 9979 KB
    The expression of the pandemic on national territory continues to be characterised by a high degree of heterogeneity. Some of the results obtained in this context: • In the Alentejo, ...

  4. Synthesis INE@COVID-19
    14 April 2020
    PDF | 929 KB
    Statistics Portugal synthesizes in its weekly report some of the most relevant statistical results released in the last days to monitor the social and economic impact of the pandemic COVID-19. This ...

  5. Regional statistical yearbooks
    18 December 2019
    PDF | 3953 KB
    Statistics Portugal releases the Regional Statistical Yearbooks, which include a wide range of statistical information at regional and municipal levels. From the topics analysed in this press release  ...

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