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Press releases
Air Emissions Accounts02 October 2024PDF | 3932 KBIn 2021, Portugal's carbon footprint was 51.9 kilotons of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to 5.0 tons per capita, 25.3% less than in 2010. Half of the emissions were emitted in Portugal (15.2% ...
Synthesis INE@COVID-1915 September 2021PDF | 3783 KBStatistics Portugal makes available the weekly report for monitoring the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report covers the press releases concerning: - Transport activities ...
Census28 July 2021PDF | 750 KBToday, July 28, Statistics Portugal releases the Preliminary Results of the XVI General Population Census and VI General Housing Census – 2021 Census, less than 4 months after the census day, ...
A Year of Pandemic: a Brief Overview28 May 2021PDF | 859 KBThe comparison of statistical results available for the first year of the pandemic (March 2020 to February 2021) with the pre-pandemic period (March 2019 to February 2020), allows to have a more ...
Context indicators for the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal19 June 2020PDF | 6802 KBThe impact of the pandemic continues to be characterised by high territorial heterogeneity, both from the point of view of the cases recorded and from the point of view of socio-economic impact. Some ...
The Iberian Peninsula in figures29 March 2018PDF | 702 KBEntre 2007 e 2016, o movimento de passageiros nos aeroportos aumentou, quer em Espanha, quer em Portugal. Esse aumento foi maior em Espanha em termos absolutos (+30,3 milhões de passageiros, ...
National Health Survey24 September 2014PDF | 227 KB
Seminar/Conference20 November 2013PDF | 1433 KBEm Portugal a dimensão média das famílias reduziu-se significativamente em 50 anos, passando de 3,8 pessoas por família, em 1960, para 2,6 pessoas, em 2011. O casal (com e ...
International Women's Day - 8 March07 March 2013PDF | 541 KBNuma sociedade que aposta na igualdade entre homens e mulheres, incentiva a participação feminina na vida ativa e promove a capacidade empreendedora e o autoemprego das mulheres, o ...
Census20 November 2012PDF | 1158 KBA população residente em Portugal, à data do momento censitário (21 de Março de 2011) era de 10 562 178 pessoas, das quais 5 046 600 são homens e 5 515 578 ...
International Women's Day - 8 March07 March 2012PDF | 541 KBWomen are more and live longer. They get married and become mothers (of fewer children) later in life. They are still taking the majority of parental leaves. The risk of poverty is higher among ...
Census03 February 2012PDF | 295 KBCerca de 12% da população residente e de 60% da população idosa vive só (400 964) ou em companhia exclusiva de pessoas também idosas (804 577), refletindo um ...
Census07 December 2011PDF | 161 KBSomos mais e continuamos um país de imigração Estamos mais velhos e temos um nível de escolaridade mais elevado Vivemos em famílias de menor dimensão Existem ...
Census30 June 2011PDF | 892 KBIn Portugal there are 10,555,853 residents, 4,079,577 family households, and 5,879,845 dwellings in 3,550,823 buildings. (press release available only in Portuguese) ...
Tourism satellite account for Portugal19 May 2008PDF | 66 KBIn 2005, the expenditure in tourism consumption has increased 3,9%, after a nominal growth of 6,9% in 2004, year of the Euro 2004 in football. For the years 2006 and 2007 it is estimated that tourism ...
Tourism satellite account for Portugal10 September 2007PDF | 240 KBIn 2004 expenditure in Tourism Consumption increased in nominal terms around 7%. In 2004 the amount of expenditure in Tourism Consumption was around 13 450 million Euro (which is equivalent to around ...
Business and consumer surveys04 June 2007PDF | 322 KBIn May the Business Climate Indicator posted the fourth consecutive improvement, maintaining the upward trend started in October 2005, which was more marked after June 2006. This was the best result ...
Business turnover, employment, wage and hours worked indices in services14 May 2007PDF | 209 KBIn March 2007 the year-on-year rate of change in services turnover was 3.8%, accelerating by 0.9 percentage point (p.p.) from February. Year-on-year changes in employment and wages actually paid were ...
Business and consumer surveys03 May 2007PDF | 269 KBIn April the Business Climate Indicator recovered for the third consecutive time, resuming the upward trend started in October 2005 that become more marked after June 2006. The confidence indicator ...
Business turnover, employment, wage and hours worked indices in services13 April 2007PDF | 209 KBIn February 2007 the year-on-year rate of change in services turnover was 3.7%, decelerating by 0.9 percentage point (p.p.) from January. Employment and wages actually paid had year-on-year changes ...