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 Press releases 3

Press releases

  1. Air Emissions Accounts
    02 October 2024
    PDF | 3932 KB
    In 2021, Portugal's carbon footprint was 51.9 kilotons of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to 5.0 tons per capita, 25.3% less than in 2010. Half of the emissions were emitted in Portugal (15.2% ...

  2. Statistical yearbook of Portugal
    14 December 2005
    PDF | 184 KB
    Statistics Portugal releases its main reference publication, the ¿Anuário Estatístico de Portugal 2004¿ (Statistical Yearbook of Portugal 2004) which commemorates its 129th anniversary. The current ...

  3. Regional accounts (Base 1995): GFCF and household accounts
    15 September 2005
    PDF | 298 KB
    In the period from 1995 to 2002 GFCF in Portugal grew at an average rate of 8.3%. Growth rates in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Alentejo, the Algarve and the Autonomous Region of Açores ...

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