CIADT - Comité interministérielle d’aménagement et de développement du territoire |
Committee of the Regions |
European Economic and Social Committee |
European Observation Network, Territorial Development and Cohesion (ESPON) |
European Commission - Europe 2020 |
European Commission - Regional Policy |
European Commission - Eurostat: Cities (Urban Audit) |
European Commission - Eurostat: General and regional statistics |
European Commission - Eurostat: Geographic Information System (GIS) |
http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco/overview |
European Commission - Eurostat: Land use/cover area frame statistical survey (LUCAS) |
European Union (EU) |
OCDE - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - Regional Policy |
SCORUS - Standing Committee on Regional and Urban Statistics |
UN-GGIM: Europe - United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management |
United Nations (UN) |
http://www.un.org/en/index.html |
UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |