Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
The Gender Dossier includes official statistical indicators that make it possible to present, contextualise and help monitor the evolution of inequalities between women and men in Portugal.

The indicators are organised according to themes, components and sub-components, which seek to reflect the different spheres of life of women and men in the family, the economy and society.

The data presented in this dossier covers various information sources, themes, and statistical areas that intersect with multiple areas of public policy.

In terms of content, the selection of sex-disaggregated indicators in the different statistical domains followed concerns determined by sex and/or gender differences according to the criteria described below:

  • - Areas where there are differences, inequalities and similarities between women and men.
  • - Areas, where women and men may not benefit from equal opportunities or their lives, may be affected differently.
  • - Identifying population groups where inequality between women and men is present or more pronounced due to specific characteristics, recognising that the differences between the two intersect with or are even accentuated by other sociodemographic factors.

This dossier is part of the National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030, and is one of the actions of the National Statistical System on Gender Equality project, of which INE is the promoter, funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA Grants 2014-2021), under the Gender Equality and Reconciliation Programme.

Enables access to reference documents for territorial statistics in the fields of spatial planning and regional development, within both the national and international scope, produced by Statistics Portugal or other entities.   Reference documents  Enables access to reference documents for territorial statistics in the fields of spatial planning and regional development, within both the national and international scope, produced by Statistics Portugal or other entities.   Links of interest 
Data Table
  National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination-  Portugal +Igual - (available only in Portuguese)  National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination- Portugal +Igual - (available only in Portuguese)
 Within the implementation of the ENIND, new programs will be launched throughout 2018, temporally and substantially aligned with the 2030 Agenda  and supported by three main Action Plans that define specific and strategic goals in terms of non-discrimination on the grounds of gender and equality between men and women (IMH); prevention and fight against all forms of violence against women, gender violence and domestic violence (VMVD); ways to fight all forms of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender and sexual characteristics (OIEC). Moreover, these plans of action define the concrete measures to be implemented in the first period of four years until 2021, followed by a process of revision and redefinition for the following four-year period and so forth. In this context, under the motto ¿No one can be left behind¿, the 2030 Agenda is deeply transformative and a true roadmap for the period concerned, having as a goal the eradication of all structural obstacles to equality between men and women in the national territory and in the development cooperation plan.
Author: Presidência do Conselho de Ministros
Editor: Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda
Issue year: 2018
  Fourth NATIONAL PLAN FOR EQUALITY - CITIZENSHIP, GENDER and NON - DISCRIMINATION  (2011-2013), Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (Official Gazette) - I Série, Nº 12 - 18/01/2011  Fourth NATIONAL PLAN FOR EQUALITY - CITIZENSHIP, GENDER and NON - DISCRIMINATION (2011-2013), Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (Official Gazette) - I Série, Nº 12 - 18/01/2011
The Fourth National Plan for Equality - Citizenship , Gender and Non-discrimination (2011-2013) defines 14 Strategic Intervention Areas, namely: 1) Gender Mainstreaming as a requirement for Good Governance; 2) Economic Independence, Labour Market and Conciliation of Professional, Family and Personal Life; 3) Education, Higher Education and Lifelong Training; 4) Health; 5) Environment and Territory Organization; 6) Research and Knowledge-based society; 7) Sport and Culture; 8) Media, Publicity and Marketing, 9) Gender-based Violence; 10) Social Inclusion; 11) Sexual orientation and gender identity; 12 Youth; 13) Non-governmental organizations; 14) International relations and Cooperation.
Author: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Editor: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Issue year: 2011
  Fourth NATIONAL ACTION PLAN AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 2011-2013, Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (Official Gazette) - I Série, Nº 243 - 17/12/2010  Fourth NATIONAL ACTION PLAN AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 2011-2013, Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (Official Gazette) - I Série, Nº 243 - 17/12/2010
The Fourth National Action Plan against Domestic Violence (2007-2010) defines 5 Strategic Intervention Areas, namely: 1) Information, Awareness Raising and Education; 2) Protection of Victims and Promotion of Social Integration; 3) Prevention of the Reincidence; 4) Qualification of the Professionals; 5) Deepening the Knowledge of the phenomenon of Domestic Violence and its monitorization.
Author: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Editor: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Issue year: 2013
  Second NATIONAL ACTION PLAN AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS (2011-2013), Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (Official Gazette) - I Série, Nº 231 - 29/11/2010  Second NATIONAL ACTION PLAN AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS (2011-2013), Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (Official Gazette) - I Série, Nº 231 - 29/11/2010
The Second National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human beings (2011-2013) defines 4 Strategic Intervention Areas, namely: 1) Knowledge, Sensitivity and Prevention; 2) Education and Training; 3) Protection and Support; 4) Criminal Investigation and Cooperation.
Author: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Editor: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Issue year: 2010
  First National action Plan Against Trafficking in Human Beings - (2007-2010).Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (the Official Gazette) - I série. Nº 119-22/06/2007  First National action Plan Against Trafficking in Human Beings - (2007-2010).Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (the Official Gazette) - I série. Nº 119-22/06/2007
The first National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human beings (2007-2010) defines 4 Strategic Intervention Areas, namely: 1) Knowledge and Dissemination of Information; 2) Prevention, Awareness Raising and Training; 3) Protection, Support and Integration 4) Criminal Investigation and Trafficking Suppression. Several measures were outlined for each of these areas and, for each measure, the plan identifies the entities responsible for their implementation as well as process and result indicators.
Author: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Editor: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Issue year: 2007
  Third National Plan Against Domestic Violence -(2007-2010).Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (the Official Gazette) - I série. Nº 119-22/06/2007  Third National Plan Against Domestic Violence -(2007-2010).Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (the Official Gazette) - I série. Nº 119-22/06/2007
The third National Action Plan against Domestic Violence (2007-2010) defines 5 Strategic Intervention Areas, namely: 1) Information, Awareness Raising and Education; 2) Protection of Victims and Prevention of Revictimisation; 3) Empowerment and Reintegration of the Victims of Domestic Violence; 4) Qualification of the Professionals; 5) Deepening the Knowledge of the phenomenon of Domestic Violence. Several time-bound measures were outlined for each of these areas and the plan identifies, for each measure, the entities responsible for their implementation, as well as process and result indicators and the respective timetable.
Author: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Editor: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Issue year: 2007
  Third National Plan For equality- Citizenship and Gender -(2007 -2010.)Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (the Official Gazette) - I série. Nº 119-22/06/2007  Third National Plan For equality- Citizenship and Gender -(2007 -2010.)Original Portuguese version published in Diário da República (the Official Gazette) - I série. Nº 119-22/06/2007
The third National Action Plan for Equality - Citizenship and Gender (2007-2010) defines 5 Strategic Intervention Areas, namely: 1) Gender Mainstreaming as a requirement for Good Governance; 2) Gender Mainstreaming in the Priority Policy Areas; 3) Citizenship and Gender; 4) Gender-Based Violence; 5) The Gender Perspective in the European Union, in the International Action Plan and in Development Cooperation. Several time-bound measures were outlined for each of these areas and the plan identifies, for each measure, the entities responsible for their implementation, as well as process and result indicators and the respective timetable.
Author: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Editor: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)
Issue year: 2007
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