Yes, products containing information on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are available on the Statistics Portugal portal, highlighting:
· Annual publication Environment statistics, which is part of the sub-chapter “Climate change” and is available in Products> Publications> Theme: Environment.
It contains an evolutionary analysis that includes information on GHG emissions by type of gas and by emission sector, as well as the evolution of the carbon intensity of the economy, i.e., greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP.
It should be noted that the set of publications, with content analysis, is available in PDF, which is complemented with information tables in XLSX and CSV.
In the publication space, the “Previous editions” option allows access to previous titles.
· Database> Theme: Environment> Subtheme: Air and Climate, with indicators disaggregated at NUTS level Portugal, namely:
o Total greenhouse gas emissions (Kyoto Protocol, 2nd phase — ktCOeq); Annual
It should be noted that, in the Database, the tables of the selected indicators show, by default, the most recent and aggregated information. However, they can be changed through the option “Change selection conditions” to obtain finer breakdowns in the dimensions of indicators, where applicable, and/or other reporting periods.
Greenhouse gases are those 'concentrated gases in the atmosphere which absorb and emit infrared radiation from the solar rays that are reflected into space or absorbed and transformed into heat.
Note: The main greenhouse gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs).’