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Will it be possible to improve health in an impoverishment cycle? Premature mortality and deprivation in the LMA, 2001-2011
H. Nogueira , A. Lourenço > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2017, p. 25 - 39


The second half of the twentieth century was marked by socioeconomic conditions that have provided improvements in the health and an increase in life expectancy of the populations. However, even under such propitious conditions, the distribution of health among individuals and social groups remained unfair. The new century arises marked by the insecurity and vulnerability associated with a crisis resulting from a process of globalization which economic and social consequences have proved to be dramatic. Unemployment, poverty, reduction in wages, job insecurity, bankruptcy of the welfare state, among other no less serious problems, such as population dynamics, bring new social and health risks. The socioeconomic prosperity cycle that culminated in the improvement of health indicators ended up in a new order that reserves/puts to societies most affected by the crisis an uncertain horizon. What are the consequences of this new economic and social order in health? Is the degradation of living conditions a determinant factor for the deterioration of health and worsening of health inequities?

keywords: premature mortality; socioeocnomic deprivation; health inequalities; Lisbon Metropolitan Area

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