Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In 2022, the GVA of the environmental goods and services sector represented 3.9% of the GVA of the Portuguese economy. Management of energy resources accounted for 52.4% of the sector's GVA
Environmental Goods and Services Sector Accounts
In 2022, the GVA of the environmental goods and services sector represented 3.9% of the GVA of the Portuguese economy. Management of energy resources accounted for 52.4% of the sector's GVA - 2022
04 February 2025


In 2022, the environmental goods and services sector represented 5.6% of output, 3.9% of GVA, 4.3% of exports and 4.0% of employment in the Portuguese economy.

Management of energy resources accounted for more than half (52.4%) of this sector's GVA, namely heat and energy saving and management, which now includes the construction and refurbishment of nearly zero energy buildings (NZEB).

In 2021, the last year with available information for the EU, Portugal remained in fifth place among the member states with the highest share of exports of environmental goods and services in the national total (4.9 %).

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