Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In 2021, the national carbon footprint (51.9 kilotons of CO¿, corresponding to 1.5% of the EU¿s carbon footprint), decreased by 25.3% compared to 2010, a sharper reduction than in the EU (-8.7%)
Air Emissions Accounts
Carbon Footprint - 2010-2021
In 2021, the national carbon footprint (51.9 kilotons of CO¿, corresponding to 1.5% of the EU¿s carbon footprint), decreased by 25.3% compared to 2010, a sharper reduction than in the EU (-8.7%)
02 October 2024


In 2021, Portugal's carbon footprint was 51.9 kilotons of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to 5.0 tons per capita, 25.3% less than in 2010.

Half of the emissions were emitted in Portugal (15.2% from households and 34.8% from production activities due to domestic demand), while the other half were emitted abroad (19.3% in EU Member States and 30.7% in other countries).

The EU's carbon footprint is higher than that estimated for Portugal (on average 1.5 times higher, or 2.8 tons more per capita), although the reduction since 2010 is less marked than in Portugal (-18.7%).   

Outside the EU, China was the country that contributed the most to the national carbon footprint (7.4% of the total).

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