Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Residents' overnight stays decreased
Tourism activity
Flash Estimate
Residents' overnight stays decreased - July 2024
30 August 2024


The tourist accommodation sector registered 3.2 million guests and 9.0 million overnight stays in July 2024, corresponding to variations of +1.5% and +2.1%, respectively (+6.8% and +5.0% in June 2024, in the same order). Residents’ overnight stays reversed the growth path of the last two months and fell by 2.4% to 2.7 million, while those from non-residents slowed down for the second month in a row, growing by 4.2% to 6.3 million.   

In external markets, the British kept being the main one (share of 18.3%), having registered an increase of 1.3% in July, followed by the Spanish market (weight of 12.0%), which grew by 6.1%. Among the 10 main inbound markets in July, France stood out in 5th position (7.4%), recording the only decrease (-4.0%).

All regions recorded an increase in overnight stays, being Oeste e Vale do Tejo (-0.4%) the exception.  The biggest increases occurred in the RA Açores (+5.3%), followed by Norte (+4.9%) and Península de Setúbal (+4.5%), with more modest increases in RA Madeira (+0.3%), Algarve (+0.7%) and Centro (+0.8%).

Occupancy in tourist accommodation establishments decreased in July, to 59.1% and 66.5%, respectively, in net bed and room occupancy rates (+0.4 p.p. in both).

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