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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Current health expenditure increased by 4.7% in 2023, a slower pace than GDP
Health satellite account
Current health expenditure increased by 4.7% in 2023, a slower pace than GDP - 2023
05 July 2024


In 2023, current health expenditure increased by 4.7% in nominal terms, 4.9 p.p. less than the nominal change in GDP (9.6%). Public (rate of change of 3.7%) and private (6.6%) current expenditure continued to increase due to growth in the activity of hospitals (public and private) and private providers of ambulatory health care.

In 2021, the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) of healthcare providers increased by 9.3% and represented 6.0% of the total GFCF of the national economy. The largest increases were recorded by entities of the rest of the economy (13.2%), especially those carrying out Research and Development (R&D) projects in the health field, and by private providers of ambulatory health care (11.6%). At the level of public providers, the increase in investment by public hospitals (6.7%) in construction and intellectual property products stood out.

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