The implicit interest rate for all housing loan agreements decreased from 4.487% in July to 4.417% in August. For the contracts that were closed in the previous three months, the interest rate decreased from 3.713% to 3.665%. The average value of owed capital increased 345 Euros, reaching 66,874 Euros. The average value of loan repayments stood at 404 euros, one euro lower than the previous month, an increase of 25 euros compared to the value observed in August 2023 (6.6% more). In the last month, interest represented 60% of the average repayments, which compares with 57% one year before. In the contracts celebrated in the last 3 months, the average value of loan repayments increased 6 euros to 617 euros (1.0% less than in the same month of the previous year).