The tourist accommodation sector registered 2.3 million guests and 5.7 million overnight stays in March 2024, corresponding to variations of +12.2% and +12.8%, respectively (+7.1% and +6.4% in February 2024, in the same order). Overnight stays by residents grew by 10.3% to 1.6 million, while those by non-residents increased by 13.8%, totaling 4.1 million.
In external markets, the British was the main one in March (share of 16.4%), having registered a growth of 9.3%, followed by Germany (share of 13.7%), which grew 12.1%, and Spain (share of 11.5%), which recorded the highest growth among the main markets this month (+47.5%).
All regions recorded an increase in overnight stays, the most significant of which occurred in Oeste e Vale do Tejo (+29.4%), Centro (+23.1%) and Alentejo (+21.0%). The most modest increases were recorded in RA Madeira (+4.1%) and Grande Lisboa (+8.9%).
Occupancy in tourist accommodation establishments increased in March, to 42.2% and 51.7%, respectively, in net bed and room occupancy rates (+2.9 p.p. and +1.5 p.p. respectively).
In the 1st quarter of 2024, overnight stays increased by 7.1%, +3.9% for residents and +8.7% for non-residents.
These results were influenced by the calendar's moving structure, i.e., by the effect of the Easter holiday period, which this year was spread over March and April, whereas last year it was concentrated only in April.