Of the total of 698,9 thousand self-employed workers in 2023, 12.6% (87.9 thousand; 2.1 percentage points (pp) less than in 2022 and 2.7 pp less than in 2021) had a client which represented 75% or more of their income (after taxes), an indicator of economic dependence. Of that same total, 12.3% (85.9 thousand; up 0.3 pp from 2022 and up 0.7 pp from 2021) stated that their working hours are determined by their clients, an indicator of organisational dependence.
Combining these two types of dependence, 1.9% (13.5 thousand) of self-employed workers were identified as being, simultaneously, economically and organisationally dependent. This indicator has decreased from that observed in 2022 (down 0.5 pp) and in 2021 (down 0.7 pp).