In January 2024, the number of deaths was 13,415, higher than the number registered in December 2023 (1,272 more deaths; +10,5%) and in January 2023 (1,467 more deaths; +12.3%). In 2023, the number of deaths was 118,862, lower than in 2022 (6,030 less deaths; -4.8%).
In December 2023, 7,125 children were born alive, decreasing 0.2% compared to December 2022 (7,142). The total number of live births registered in 2023 (85,909) was higher than in 2022 (83,989), a further 1,920 live births (+2.3%).
In December 2023, the natural balance was -5,003, slightly improving in relation to the same month of 2022, when it reached -5,156. In 2023, the cumulative value of the natural balance was -32,650, corresponding to an improvement from the value registered in 2022 (-40,640).
In December 2023, 2,037 marriages were celebrated, decreasing 9.5%, compared to number of marriages held in December 2022 (213 less marriages). In 2023, 36,969 marriages were celebrated, 17 more than in 2022.