Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

The median earnings of the employees was less than €1000 in 285 (93%) of the 308 municipalities
Asymmetry indicators at local and interregional level
Monthly earnings of employees by place of work
The median earnings of the employees was less than €1000 in 285 (93%) of the 308 municipalities - 2021
24 November 2023


According to the Lists of Personnel, in 2021, the median monthly earnings of full-time fully paid employees (TCO) was 959.34 €. Only 29% of employees' monthly earnings were higher than the average (1 289.50 €). In 285 (93%) of the 308 municipalities, the median monthly earnings was less than 1 000 €, ranging from 760.40 € in Gavião and Belmonte to 1 781.36 € in Castro Verde.

The median monthly earnings was lower for female employees (896.39 €) than for male employees (1 022.00 €). Only in the municipalities of Oeiras (1 296.49 €), Lisboa (1 235.44 €), Porto (1 066.00 €) and Campo Maior (1 034.63 €) the median earnings of women exceed 1 000 € per month, i.e., only in these four municipalities 50% of the female employees had monthly earnings above that reference.

In 2021, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa had the greatest difference in median monthly earnings between age groups: the highest value was in the 35 to 54 age group (1 225.25 €) and the lowest in the 16 to 34 age group (1 018.32 €). Despite being the sub-region with the greatest disparity in median monthly earnings between age groups, it was also the only where median earnings exceeded 1 000 € per month in all three age groups.

The median monthly earnings of employees with tertiary education were higher than the national reference (1 542.60 €) in 22 municipalities, mostly located in the metropolitan areas of Lisboa and Porto. The municipality of Vila do Porto (5 020.53 €) had the highest median monthly earnings for employees with tertiary education and the municipalities of Sines, Castro Verde, Oeiras and Amadora stood out with values above 2 000 €.

In 2021, the median monthly earnings were lower for employees with fixed-term contracts compared to those with permanent contracts (858.00 € and 1 021.00 €, respectively). In 62 municipalities, the median monthly earnings of employees with fixed-term contracts was higher than the national value, with the municipalities of Castro Verde (1 542.39 €), Calheta (1 120.23 €), Ribeira da Pena (1 028.46 €) and Oeiras (1 012.94 €) standing out with values above 1 000 €.

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