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Enterprises revise downwards the forecast for their exports
Perspectives on Exports of Goods
2nd Forecast
Enterprises revise downwards the forecast for their exports - 2023
28 July 2023


Exporting enterprises expect a nominal increase of 0.5% in their exports of goods in 2023, revising downwards by 0.6 percentage points (p.p.) the 1st forecast made in December 2022. This revision results from the updating of enterprises’ expectations for both Intra-EU (-0.5 p.p., to +1.2%) and Extra-EU (-0.9 p.p., to -1.2%) exports.

By Broad Economic Categories (BEC), the most positive perspectives of enterprises for the expected evolution of exports of Capital goods (except transport equipment), and parts and accessories thereof (+9.3%, +1.1 p.p. compared the previous forecast) and Industrial supplies (+0.4%, +1.5 p.p.) and less positive in Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof (-2.3 p.p., to +3, 9%) stand out, vis-à-vis the 1st forecast.

A less positive performance than expected in the destination markets of their exports is the main reason pointed out by enterprises for this downward revision, impacting more than half of the responding enterprises (56.4%).

Press release
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