Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays by residents continued to decrease compared to 2022
Tourism activity
Flash Estimate
Overnight stays by residents continued to decrease compared to 2022 - July 2023
31 August 2023


The tourist accommodation sector registered 3.2 million guests and 8.8 million overnight stays in July 2023, corresponding to increases of 4.1% and 1.3%, respectively (+6.9% and +3.6% in June 2023, in the same order). Compared to July 2019, there were increases of 10.7% in guests and 6.7% in overnight stays.

In July, overnight stays generated by the domestic market decreased by 2.9%, totaling 2.8 million. The external markets totaled 6.0 million overnight stays (+3.4%). Vis-à-vis July 2019, there were increases of 11.5% in overnight stays from residents and 4.6% from non-residents.

The Spanish market represented 11.7% of overnight stays from non-residents, decreasing 0.6% compared to July 2019 and having been the second main market, after the British (share of 18.9%; +4.7% compared to July 2019).

Overnight stays in RA Açores and Algarve registered declines (-2.8% and -1.8%, respectively) for the first time since March 2021. In RA Madeira, overnight stays decreased for the second consecutive month (-1.3%), after the period of growth that began in April 2021. Compared to July 2019, overnight stays in the Algarve continued to decrease (-6.0%, -7.4% in June). The biggest increases, compared to July 2019, were recorded in the Norte (+21.7%) and in RA Madeira (+21.1%).

The net bed occupancy rate in tourist accommodation establishments (59.2%) decreased by 1.9 p.p. in July (-0.6 p.p. in June). The net bedroom occupancy rate (67.0%) decreased 1.4 p.p. (+0.1 p.p. in June). Compared to July 2019, there was a decrease of 0.7 p.p. in the net bed occupancy rate and an increase of 1.5 p.p. in the net room occupancy rate.

In the cumulative period from January to July of 2023, overnight stays increased by 14.7%, +5.2% in residents and +19.4% in non-residents. Compared to the same period of 2019, overnight stays grew by 9.8%, +12.7% in residents and +8.6% in non residents.

In July, 11.2% of tourist accommodation establishments were closed or did not register guests (15.2% in June).

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