The total gross monthly earnings per employee (per job) increased by 7.4%, to €1,355, in the quarter ended in March 2023 (1st quarter of the year), compared to the same period of 2022. The regular and the base components of those earnings increased by 7.3% and 7.6%, reaching €1,211 and €1,138, respectively. In real terms, considering the Consumer Price Index change, the total and regular gross monthly earnings decreased by 0.6%, while the base monthly earnings decreased by 0.4%. These results cover 4.5 million jobs, corresponding to Social Security beneficiaries and to Caixa Geral de Aposentações subscribers, an increase of 4.2% from the same period of 2022.
Compared to March 2022, the largest increases in total gross monthly earnings were observed in the “Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies” (section U; 13.2%), in enterprises of 1 to 4 employees (8.6%), in the private sector (8.3%), and in enterprises in “Knowledge-intensive market services” (10.5%). There were no decreases in total gross monthly earnings and the lowest year-on-year changes were observed in the “Public administration and defence; compulsory social security” (section O; 3.6%), in enterprises of 250 to 499 employees (4.4%), in the public sector (5.4%) and in the “Financial and insurance activities” (4.2%).