Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

The unemployment rate stood at 6.6% and the labour underutilisation rate at 11.6%
Monthly Employment and Unemployment Estimates
The unemployment rate stood at 6.6% and the labour underutilisation rate at 11.6% - December 2023
31 January 2024


November 2023 (definitive estimates):

The active population (5,297.1 thousand people) decreased from October (1.1 thousand people, which corresponded to a nearly null relative change) and from August 2023 (2.0 thousand people, nearly null relative change), having increased from November 2022 (1.8%).

The employed population (4,949.3 thousand) increased from the previous month (0.1%) and from the same month of 2022 (1.7%) and decreased from three months before (0.3%).

The unemployed population (347.8 thousand) decreased from the month before (1.3%) and increased from three months before (3.7%) and from a year earlier (3.1%).

The unemployment rate, which stood at 6.6%, decreased by 0.1 percentage points (pp) from the previous month, having increased by 0.3 pp from three months before and by 0.1 pp from a year earlier.

The inactive population (2,397.0 thousand) increased from October 2023 (0.2%) and from August of the same year (0.3%), having decreased compared to November 2022 (2.3%).

The labour underutilisation rate was estimated at 11.7%, down 0.1 pp from both the previous month and a year earlier and up 0.2 pp from three months before.

December 2023 (provisional estimates):

The active population (5,297.7 thousand) remained almost unchanged from November, having increased from September 2023 (0.2%) and from December 2022 (1.5%).

The employed population (4,950.3 thousand) has increased from the previous month (1.0%, nearly null relative change), from three months before (0.2%) and from the same month of 2022 (1.7%).

The unemployed population (347.4 thousand) remained almost unchanged from November 2023, having decreased from the other two comparing periods: 0.3% and 1.2%, respectively.

The unemployment rate remained at 6.6%, unchanged from the previous month and from three months before, having decreased from a year earlier (0.1 pp).

The inactive population (2,396.8 thousand) remained almost unchanged from the month before, having decreased by 0.2% from three months before and by 1.8% from a year earlier.

The labour underutilisation rate stood at 11.6%, down from September and November 2023 (0.1 pp, for both) and down from December 2022 (0.6 pp).

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