The Consumer confidence increased between December and March, slightly in the last month, interrupting the negative profile of the previous three months which resulted, in November, in the lowest value since April 2020 when the pandemic begun. The balance of Consumer opinions on the past evolution of the price level increased in March, after declining in the previous four months from the maximum value of the series recorded in October.
The economic climate indicator increased between January and March, slightly in the last month, reversing the downward movement initiated one year ago. The confidence indicators of the Manufacturing Industry and Construction and Public Works increased compared to February, while indicators of Trade and Services declined, significantly in the latter case.
The entrepreneurs’ expectations regarding the future evolution of selling prices decreased significantly between November and March in the Manufacturing Industry, reaching the lowest level since October 2020.
In March, this balance also decreased significantly in Trade, reaching the lowest level since October 2021, while in Construction and Public Works and in Services, the reductions were moderate.