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Enterprises expect a 1.1% nominal increase in exports of goods
Perspectives on Exports of Goods
1st Forecast
Enterprises expect a 1.1% nominal increase in exports of goods - 2023
07 February 2023


Enterprises expect a 1.1% nominal increase in exports of goods in 2023, vis-à-vis the previous year. According to enterprises’ expectations, this growth is supported by the forecasted exports’ increase in Intra-EU markets (+1.7%), given that a decrease of 0.3% is foreseen for Extra-EU countries.

In terms of Broad Economic Categories (BEC), the Capital goods (except transport equipment), and parts and accessories thereof stand out with the highest expected increase in exports in 2023 (+8.2%) and the Industrial Supplies not elsewhere specified, with an expected decrease of 1.1%. 

The results from the survey on Perspectives of Exports of Goods (IPEB), insofar as they are based on growth perspectives, should be seen as indicating trends conditional on the information available in the enterprises in the response period. Thus, the perspectives of the enterprises regarding their exports of goods for 2023 may also reflect, to a high degree, the uncertainty regarding developments in the international environment, with unexpected impacts on demand and prices.

Press release
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