The Survey on Income and Living Conditions indicates that in Portugal 10.6% of people lived in a condition of lack of space in 2021, a proportion higher than in the previous three years, in which the housing overcrowding rate was below 10% (9.6% in 2018, 9.5% in 2019 and 9.0% in 2020).
In 2021, as in previous years, the risk of living in a situation of insufficient housing space was more significant for the population at-risk-of-poverty: 18.8% of the population at-risk-of-poverty were in a situation of housing overcrowding, which compared to 8.7% in the rest of the population.
The median housing cost burden, ie. the median of the distribution of the ratio between annual housing costs and household disposable income (both terms net of housing allowances), was 10.5% in 2021, slightly higher than in 2020 (10.4%), but lower than in 2018 (11.7%) and in 2019 (11.0%).
The overburden housing cost rate was 5.9% in 2021, with an increase of 1.8 pp compared to the previous year (4.1%).