In 2021, there were 9 706 foreign affiliates in Portugal (+1.8% compared to 2020), corresponding to 2.0% of all non-financial companies.
Foreign affiliates employed about 585 thousand persons in 2021, representing 17.7% of total employment of all non-financial companies. On average, each affiliate employed about 60 persons in 2021, an ammount much higher than in the domestic companies (about 6 persons).
The GVA of foreign affiliates in Portugal increased by 14.8% in 2021 (-6.7% in 2020), corresponding in nominal terms to a total of EUR 28 billion. The GVA of domestic companies increased by 16.2% (-10.4% in 2020).
65.1% of the GVA generated by foreign affiliates, concerned companies owned by entities based in European Union countries. Apparent labour productivity and average monthly remuneration per person in service in foreign subsidiaries were 69.7% and 42.2% higher than in domestic companies, reaching EUR 47,507 and EUR 1,518, respectively, in 2021.
The GVA of large affiliates (538 companies) represented 64.1% of the total GVA of foreign affiliates.
The GVA of foreign affiliates with an export profile (43.7% of the total GVA of foreign affiliates) increased by 19.8% in 2021, which compares with an increase of 11.2% in foreign affiliates without an export profile. Exports by foreign affiliates accounted for 37.9% of total exports of goods and increased by EUR 3.0 billion year-on-year (+14.3%), a lower growth than that observed in domestic companies (+21.0%).