Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist trips abroad made by residents decreased by 89.5%. Domestic trips declined by 53.3%
Tourism Demand of Residents
Tourist trips abroad made by residents decreased by 89.5%. Domestic trips declined by 53.3% - 1st Quarter 2021
27 July 2021


The pandemic context continued to severely affect tourist trips made by residents in the 1st quarter of 2021, having been made 1.6 million trips, which corresponded to a variation of -57.6% (-57.4% in the 4th quarter of 2020). This reduction was very significant with regard to domestic trips which, although concentrating 97.0% of the trips, decreased by 53.3%, but was even more intense in trips abroad, which declined by 89.5%.

In this quarter, the "visit to relatives or friends" was the main reason for travelling (750.7 thousand trips, -48.8%), having increased its representativeness (47.3% of the total, compared do 39.3% in the same quarter of the previous year). The reason "leisure, recreation or holidays" corresponded to 415.8 thousand trips (26.2% of the total, -14.6p.p.), decreasing by 72.7%.

“Hotels and similar" concentrated 5.5% of overnight stays resulting from tourism trips in the 1st quarter of 2021, losing weight in the total (-15.7 p.p.). “Free private accommodation" remained the main choice (88.7% of overnight stays, +14.8 p.p.).

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