The employed population (4,878.1 thousand people) has increased by 1.4% (67.6 thousand) from the previous quarter, by 4.7% (219.7 thousand) from the year before and by 1.5% (71.5 thousand) from the 3rd quarter of 2019 (COVID-19 pre-pandemic period).
The employed population absent from work in the reference week (877.0 thousand) has increased to more than double (120.8%; 479.9 thousand) from the previous quarter and by 7.6% (62.1 thousand) from the same quarter of 2020. “Annual or bank holiday” was the main reason for absence, as it is usually observed in the third quarter of each year. As a result of these movements, the volume of hours actually worked has decreased by 9.3% from the previous quarter, but it has increased by 2.3% from a year earlier. Still, each employed person who has worked at least 1 hour in the reference week, has worked, on average, 39 hours per week in the 3rd quarter of 2021 (value higher by 1 hour to the previous quarter one and equal to the same quarter of 2020).
The share of the employed population who has worked always or almost always from home using information and communication technologies, this is, who have worked remotely, was 12.7%, covering 617.6 thousand people.
The unemployed population, estimated at 318.7 thousand people, has decreased by 7.8% (27.0 thousand) from the previous quarter and by 21.0% (84.8 thousand) from a year earlier.
The unemployment rate stood at 6.1%, down 0.6 percentage points (pp) from the previous quarter, down 1.9 pp from a year earlier and down 0.2 pp from the 3rd quarter of 2019.
The labour underutilisation covered 642.4 thousand people, having decreased by 1.8% (11.8 thousand) from the previous quarter and by 20.1% (162.0 thousand) from a year before. Similarly, also the labour underutilisation rate (11.9%) has decreased both from the previous quarter (0.4 pp) and from a year earlier (3.2 pp).
The inactive population aged 16 and over (3,612.2 thousand people) decreased by 0.9% (32.9 thousand) from the previous quarter and by 3.0% (111.8 thousand) from the 3rd quarter of 2020.