In the Agricultural Census 2019, 290 thousand holdings were surveyed, 15 thousand less than in 2009 (-4.9%). However, the utilized agricultural area (UAA) increased by 8.1%, reaching 3.9 million hectares (43% of the territorial area). The average size of agricultural holdings increased to 13.7%, from 12.0 hectares in 2009, to 13.7 hectares.
Compared to 2009, the following stand out:
The cumulative distribution of Utilized Agricultural Area by farms reveals that the majority of UAA is concentrated in a small number of farms, with no significant changes compared to 2009;
The reinforcement of the entrepreneurialisation of agriculture, with the legal units managing 1/3 of the UAA and more than half of the livestock units;
The increase of economic dimension with each holding generated an average of 23.3 thousand euros of Total Standard Output, 8.1 thousand euros more than in 2009;
The strengthening of specialization, with specialized farms increasing by 7.0% their number and 49.9% their Total Standard Output;
The significant change of the Utilized Agricultural Area: arable land drop 11.6% but was offset by increases in the areas of permanent crops (+24.6%) and permanent grassland (+14.9%);
The enlargement of irrigable area which increase 16.6%, with 69.7% of the area of fresh fruit orchards being irrigated, as well as 11.5% of nut groves, 31.7% of olive groves area and 27.8% of vineyards area;
The increase of the number of bovines (+10.6%) and pigs (+15.7%);
The overall decrease of agricultural labour force by 14.4%, reflecting the reduction in family labour force. On the other hand, employed labour force has increased;
The threefold increase in farms certified for organic production.
See the Publication