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Enterprises expect a 4.9% nominal increase in exports of goods in 2021
Perspectives on Exports of Goods
1st Forecast
Enterprises expect a 4.9% nominal increase in exports of goods in 2021 1st Forecast - 2021
11 January 2021


The perspectives of the exporting enterprises of goods point to a nominal increase of 4.9% in exports in 2021 vis-à-vis the previous year. Although these figures represent an improvement compared to the perspectives indicated by enterprises for 2020 according to the preceding forecast (-13.0% ), they still not allow a recovery to values close to those recorded before the pandemic.
In fact, should these perspectives be confirmed, the exports of goods in 2021 will correspond to a level 12.8% lower than the total exports of goods recorded in 2019.

Despite the circumstances determined by the COVID-19 pandemic, INE calls for better collaboration by enterprises, families and public entities in responding to Statistics Portugal requests. The quality of official statistics, particularly their capacity to identify the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, depends crucially on this collaboration that Statistics Portugal is grateful for in advance.

Press release
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